A conversation snippet from a few weeks ago...
Me: Welllllll i think you're right. i am more excited for the Mexico trip than i am for our anniversary. BUT!!! It's only because, well, we're going to be married as long as we're alive so really, what's one year?
Michael: I'm glad you're not sentimental.
As much as i'm more excited (at least in the short term) for our Mexico trip with my family starting Wednesday, Michael and i had a lovely anniversary day yesterday. Unfortunately i don't have any accompanying pictures, so too bad for you kids with no imagination!
We didn't do anything too amazing or exciting, but we went on a nice hike off The Old Road in Santa Clarita. It was a gorgeous hike and since we went in the early evening, the trail was shaded the whole time. We also saw an owl fly across the trail just maybe 15 feet right in front of us! i don't think i'd ever seen an owl in the wild before so that was neat. Then further up the trail we saw a couple of deer in a meadowy space. After the hike we headed to Black Angus to use our coupon haha for a great dinner. Mmmmm steak. Then we headed home and watched Knowing with Nicolas Cage. It was pretty entertaining up until a certain point. *SPOILER ALERT* i've got to be honest, the second the answer becomes "aliens" in a movie and it actually shows the aliens, my brain just shuts off and i automatically declare the movie stupid. If it's a movie that's supposed to have aliens in it, that's fine. Like District 9. Brilliant alien movie.
Alien digressions aside, it was a fun day. Our relationship was so different a year ago, and i have enjoyed this past year of immense growth for me personally and in our relationship. i am more and more thankful for Michael as time goes by. God has been so good in sustaining our marriage. One year and counting!